In Littleton CO RiverPointe Offers Senior Living Homes
In Littleton, CO, RiverPointe offers senior living homes. Pointes Living has been owned by the same family for over 35 years. The family philosophy is to bring respectful, affordable housing to seniors wanting to live a maintenance-free lifestyle while still participating in small-town offerings, environment, and culture.
A well maintained and fully developed retirement community. Meals are served, there is underground parking available, two elevators, multiple amenities and a friendly clientele.
Alejandro Bermudez
September 10, 2024
One of my favorite shopping places in the South Denver urban area. I does not have high end, fancy stores, but has a wide variety of food options, ice cream stop, doctors' offices, major stores, gas stations, movie theatres, sports bar; and all located along the beautiful Platte River, in an ample Colorado-style development.
Ron Collins
May 23, 2024
Questions and Answers
Q:(Traduit par Google) Qu'avez-vous à louer pour une femme âgée, qui soit petit et économique ?
What do you have for senior lady to rent that is small and economical?
(Traduit par Google) Appelez Riverpointe et demandez. C'est un endroit où il fait bon vivre, des activités, etc.
Call Riverpointe and ask. It's a great place to live, activies, etc.
KKimberly Schmit
6 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Avez-vous un bus qui va jusqu'à Black Hawk/Central City ? Si oui, les non-résidents peuvent-ils utiliser ce service ? Ma grand-mère cherche une voie à suivre puisque nous travaillons tous pendant la semaine, elle aime y aller au moins une fois par semaine. Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide!
Do you have a bus that goes up to Black Hawk/Central City? If so can non residents use this service? My grandmother is looking for a way up since all of us work during the week, she likes to go at least once a week. Thank you so much for your help!
(Traduit par Google) RiverPointe organise des voyages pour que nos résidents puissent profiter de Black Hawk/Central City. Il ne s’agirait cependant pas de déplacements hebdomadaires. Peut-être pourrions-nous attirer votre grand-mère avec l'une de nos autres offres amusantes ou excursions.
RiverPointe does schedule trips for our residents to enjoy Black Hawk/Central City. They would not however be weekly trips. Maybe we could entice your grandmother with one of our other fun offerings or excursions.
DDonna Macauley
1 year ago
(Traduit par Google) Utilisez un covoiturage XL, divisez le coût avec jusqu'à 5 autres.
Use a rideshare XL, divide the cost with up to 5 others.
DDaniel P Kenny
3 years ago
(Traduit par Google) Non, Riverpointe n'a pas de bus qui va à Central City/Blackhawk. Leur autobus est réservé aux résidents de Riverpointe. J'ai juste cherché sur Google "bus pour Blackhawk" et un bon nombre sont apparus. Si vous faites des recherches, vous devriez pouvoir trouver un service qui fonctionne pour votre grand-mère.
No, Riverpointe does not have a bus that goes to Central City/ Blackhawk. Their bus is for Riverpointe residents only. I just Googled, "buses to Blackhawk," and quite a few came up. If you do the research, you should be able to find a service that works for your grandmother.
KKimberly Schmit
6 years ago
Q:What do you have for senior lady to rent that is small and economical?
Call Riverpointe and ask. It's a great place to live, activies, etc.
KKimberly Schmit
6 years ago
Q:Do you have a bus that goes up to Black Hawk/Central City? If so can non residents use this service? My grandmother is looking for a way up since all of us work during the week, she likes to go at least once a week. Thank you so much for your help!
RiverPointe does schedule trips for our residents to enjoy Black Hawk/Central City. They would not however be weekly trips. Maybe we could entice your grandmother with one of our other fun offerings or excursions.
1 year ago
Use a rideshare XL, divide the cost with up to 5 others.
DDaniel P Kenny
3 years ago
No, Riverpointe does not have a bus that goes to Central City/ Blackhawk. Their bus is for Riverpointe residents only. I just Googled, "buses to Blackhawk," and quite a few came up. If you do the research, you should be able to find a service that works for your grandmother.
KKimberly Schmit
6 years ago
Best to contact the office directly
BBrad Clark
5 years ago
Q:Are there any units that would be classified as low income units?
Nice place. Neighbor moved there.
5 years ago
Q:Do you have washer and dryers in the apartments?
Are Studio Appartments available?
MMary Aldy
2 months ago
No. Washers and dryers are located on two different floors. My father has never had trouble getting his laundry done.
KKimberly Schmit
5 years ago
Onsite Services Provided
Business Information
Address 5225 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, USA 80123